The Heller Farkas College for Advanced Financial Studies invites You to the 2021 Annual Spring Conference, that rests on the pillar of exploring the American way of life, thus bearing the title: Past, Present & Future of the United States.
As President Johnson once said: “America is not merely a nation but a nation of nations.” and these powerful words entirely grasp the essence of the Union; the essence of these United States.
The purpose of this conference is to explore the American Past; live in the Present moment; and face the unknown Future…
During this three-day online conference three central themes will emerge: Politics, Crises and Business. Several respected academics and professionals will guide us into the realms of the American business and political cultures, supplemented by the ongoing pandemic and wealth inequality crises.
DAY I. – 22nd OF MARCH —— 17:20 – 18:50 & 19:10 – 20:40
Sean Theriault: “The Decline of Lawmaking in Congress”
– Professor at the University of Texas at Austin
Rogers Smith: “Twilight of the Constitution?”
– Professor of Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania
DAY II. – 23rd OF MARCH —— 17:20 – 18:50 & 19:10 – 20:40
Qiong (Miranda) Wu: “The Wealth Inequality Crisis”
– Professor at the Central European University
Randy Wray: “Pandemic Response & Modern Monetary Theory”
– Senior Scholar at Levy Economics Institute
DAY III. – 24th OF MARCH —— 17:20 – 18:50 & 19:10 – 20:00
Olena Kyrylenko: “Digitalization Trends in Investment Banking”
– Senior Vice President at Citibank in Hungary
Ludovic Phalippou: “Silicon Valley & Private Equity”
– Professor of Financial Economics at University of Oxford
The conference will be organized in online format both via Zoom and Facebook Live, to which access will be absolutely free and permitted to everyone!


Kategóriák: Előadás

Ágoston Dani

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