In April 12-13th 2017 our college organised again the traditional spring conference. The topic of the event was the oil- and energy market. 

Because of the trends of the past years, such as the increasingly important environmental protection, or the appearance of electric cars, the transformation of oil markets became imminent. The goal of the conference is the examination and better understanding of this and the energy industry. 

Program of the conference:

12.04.2016., Wednesday:
Tamás Pletser (Erste, Oil- and Gas industry analyst) – The importance of oil and energy markets – why do we care about this?
János Varga (MOL, Leading Upstream Projekt Manager) – The every day of an oil engineer
Lajos Alács (Mabanaft Hungary, president-CEO)  – investment in oil industry, trading on bulk markets

13.04.2016., Thursday:
Ákos Szabó (McKinsey&Company, Senior Analyst)  – Fuel substitutes, industry trends, industry 4.0
Fanni Sáfián (Energiaklub, Researcher) – Challengers of oil – sustainable alternatives
Viktor Sverla (Head of Strategic Analysis and Business Evaluation, MOL Group) – How does a company in oil industry prepare for the changes of the future?